编辑 职业机会 投资者关系

ORION WR #462W200

ORION Wide Range flowmeter
Orion WR is a system that allows measuring a very wide flowrate range, thus solving the problem of spraying machines that require the measurement of the flowrate of the entire boom as that of a single nozzle.
The system consists of a diverter valve and two electromagnetic flowmeters with contiguous measuring ranges (e.g. 0.5-10 l/min / 0.13-2.6 GPM and 10-200 l/min / 2.6-53 GPM).
Integrated electronics detect the flowrate and activate the valve to select the appropriate channel for the flowrate to be measured.
北美市场 国际市場
编码 T 连接  最大压力  流量 
462W100  T5  290PSI  0.08 ÷ 26US GPM
462W200  T5  290PSI  0.13 ÷ 53US GPM