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MSP400 #97007271

MSP pumps involve the use of multiple impellers, which allows for high operating pressures while maintaining compact pump dimensions and a low oil flow rate. The materials used ensure excellent compatibility with chemicals commonly used in agriculture and excellent corrosion resistance.
北美市场 国际市場
编码 - 接头 -  X1  出口  最大压力  最大油压  最大油量  流量  电机  进口  阶段 
97007261  叉式连接  556mm  97mm  T5 F  13.7bar  153bar  49.2l/min  594l/min  11.2cm³/rev.  T7 F  7
97007271  叉式连接  561mm  102mm  T5 F  14.7bar  138bar  64.3l/min  597l/min  14.5cm³/rev.  T7 F  7